Halloween is a treat for kids, but can be tricky for pets! Find out more about the tips we have to keep your furrocious pets safe.
Tricky Treats Keep your furry fiends away from the candy bowl! Halloween sweets, such as chocolate, can be toxic for cats and dogs. The sugar-free substitute in many candies and gums, called xylitol, can cause serious problems in pets. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center is your best resource for any animal poison-related emergency, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you think your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, call (888) 426-4435. A consultation fee may apply.
Deadly Decorations Curious kittens and playful pups can easily knock over a lit jack-o-lantern, risking burns and fires. Chewed wires can pose a fire hazard and can seriously injure pets.
Creepy Costumes Ghouls and goblins certainly are scary for humans, but can be especially frightening for pets. Make sure your pets have a safe space to hide when the scary costumes come out, such as a closed bathroom with their favorite bed. For some pets, wearing a costume may cause undue stress. If you do dress up your pet for Halloween, make sure the costume does not limit his or her movement, sight or ability to breathe, bark or meow. Check the costume carefully for small, dangling or easily chewed-off pieces that could present a choking hazard.
Spooky Safety Halloween brings a flurry of activity with visitors arriving at the door, and can create a very stressful environment for pets. Always make sure your pet is wearing proper identification such as a collar with ID tags, a tattoo, and/or a microchip implant.